My Home, Sweet Home (in English and Saami)
[Note: A few letters in this song have haceks, diacritical marks
that change 's' into 'sh' and 'c' into 'ch'. ð is an eth,
pronounced like the 'th' in 'father'.]
So far away from my home, sweet home | Day by day, from land to land I roam | Though told by the wind which way to go, | Oh, how I long for my home, sweet home. |
Boaðe ruoktot alot go dan dovtat tuski |  | You can come home in times of harshness. | Boaðe ruoktot alot go dan dovtat vaivui | You may come home in times of sorrow, too. | Du ruoktu vuordà du alot | Your home will be waiting for you forever | Du ruoktu vuordà du alot | It will be waiting for you forever. |
Fragrant blossoms blooming far away-- | Do my folks see them as I did long
ago? | Are they still joyful? Are they young at heart? | Will I see them again as I did that day? |
Bearaš, ushbat |  | Family, friends, | Ruoktu, muitut | Home and memories. | Dat ca
goassige | No one will ever | Vajaldahtc du | Forget about you. |
How far I've come from my childhood home! | There will come a time when my troubles are gone, | And when I shall not be all
alone-- | Till then, I dream of my home, sweet home. |
Meahcci, čàcit, |  | Forest, stream, | Albmi, eana: | Sky and earth: | Dat buot vurdet du | Everyone is waiting, | Dat buot vurdet du | Waiting for your return. |
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As I Feel, You Feel (in Saami; see Daishinrin no Densetsu for a translation?)
[Note: Many letters in this song have haceks, diacritical marks
that change 's' into 'sh' and 'c' into 'ch'. Again, ð is an
eth, pronounced like the 'th' in 'father'.]
Gii boaðašii ja vuolgašii Loktešii dàn
dovddu, Deavdašii dan unna doaivvu Eana mojoda Nu
nu leggaðit Leago dat roahkatvuohta, Jos bargan dan Dahje, jos
in bargga haidige Dolla buoldaša mu muoðuit Almni iudne
ruoksadin... Mun muitan savgaldusadit, Ivnnit leat mu mielas. Dovdduit maid donddan, Dat leat go čàhci... Gos
dat bohte? Gosa bahtaredje? Mii lea duoddariigguin, Mii lea
mieras? Dan hàlivččen
diehtit Muitašan, Bissànan jurdagiidda, Divdan biegga
muitalit, Muitalit eadalagan màilbmis Gidda mu čalbmii, lihkà oaidan čouvgga Govča mu beljiit, lihkà gulan sàniit Duoivvu guoikànasat ràbket eatnama, Roahkatvuoðas dola čuovga, Ustitvuohta, ohccà eallima čàzi Nu allin gos biegga.
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