Cur in gremio haeremus? |  | Why do we cling together? |
Cur poenam cordi parvo damus? | Why give punishment to lesser hearts? |
Stella nobis non concessit, non concessit (x2) | The stars did not forgive us, did not forgive us (x2) |
Venarum pulsus in terram fluens, in terram fluens |  | The throbbing pulse flows through the earth, flows through the earth |
Parvus pulsus |  | A tiny pulse |
Cor mortem ducens | A heart drawn to death |
Vita mollis in stellam redeunt | A gentle life returns to the stars |
Animam sacrificare necesse est? | Must souls be sacrificed? |
Cur in gremio, in gremio haeremus? | Why do we cling, cling together? |
Cur veniam petimus | Why do we beg for forgiveness |
In terra fatali? | In the promised land? |
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Habitavit |  | He stayed |
Dormivit | He slept |
Caelo missus rex | The king sent from heaven |
Poena terrae motus | Punishment shook the earth |
Error humanus | To err is human |
Cujus fructus foris | His fruit, out-of-doors |
Cujus verbum clavis | His word, a key |
Calamitas excitata ab imo | An awakened calamity within |
Cum haustus est fremitu | With a drink, he is angry |
Cum levatus est carmine | When risen, he is crimson |
Fatum invitans ruina sive paradisus | Fate invites us to ruin or to paradise |
Preces |  | Prayers |
Clamorque | Cries |
Pauci resistentes | So little resistance |
Sola Dea fatum novit | Only the Goddess knows their fate |
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Noli manere, manere in memoria (x2) |  |
Do not remain, remain a memory |
Sephiroth! Sephiroth! |
Saevam iram, iram et dolorem (x2) |  |
He has a cruel anger, anger and pain |
Sephiroth! Sephiroth! |
Ferum terribile, terribile fatum |  |
A fierce, terrible man has a terrible fate |
(repeat) |
Veni, mi fili (x2) |  | Come, my son (x2) |
Hic veni, da mihi mortem iterum |
Come here--give me death again |
Veni, mi fili (x2) | Come, my son (x2) |
Hic veni, da mihi | Come here--give it to me |
Noli manere in memoria |  |
Do not remain a memory |
Saevam iram et dolorem |
Cruel anger and pain |
Ferum terribile fatum |
Wild, terrible fate |
Ille iterum veniet | He will come again |
Mi fili, veni--veni, veni, mi fili (x4) |  | My son, come--come, come, my son (x4) |
Mi fili, veni--veni, veni, mi fili |  | My son, come--come, come, my son (x4) |
(Qui mortem invitavis) |
(He who invited death) |
Mi fili, veni--veni, veni, mi fili | My son, come--come, come, my son (x4) |
(Poena funesta natus) |
(Was born for a deadly punishment) |
Mi fili, veni--veni, veni, mi fili | My son, come--come, come, my son (x4) |
(Noli nomen vocare) |
(Do not call his name) |
Mi fili, veni--veni, veni, mi fili | My son, come--come, come, my son (x4) |
(Ille iterum veniet) | (He will come again) |
Sephiroth! Sephiroth! |
Sephiroth! |
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