[cantusA superior1/soprano1A] |
Ostende nobis Domine |
Show us, O Lord |
Ostende nobis | Show us |
Misericordiam tuam et | Thy mercy and |
Salutare tuum da nobis | Grant us thy salvation |
Haec dies |  | This is the day |
Miserere |  | Have mercy |
O Domine, miserere nobis |
O Lord, have mercy on us |
[cantus superior2/soprano2] |
Ostende nobis Domine |
Show us, O Lord |
Ostende nobis | Show us |
Misericordiam tuam et | Thy mercy and |
Salutare tuum da nobis | Grant us thy salvation |
Haec dies, haec dies |  | This is the day, this is the day |
Miserere mei |  | Have mercy on me |
O Domine, miserere nobis |
O Lord, have mercy on us |
[cantus inferior/alto] |
Miserere mei |  | Have mercy on me |
Ostende nobis Domine |
Show us, O Lord |
Ostende nobis Domine |
Show us, O Lord |
Haec dies, haec dies |  | This is the day, this is the day |
Miserere |  | Have mercy |
O Domine, miserere nobis |
O Lord, have mercy on us |
[cantus firmus1/tenor] |
O Domine, memento mei |
O Lord, remember me |
In terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis | On earth, peace to men of good will |
Haec dies, haec dies |  | This is the day, this is the day |
Miserere, miserere |  | Have mercy, have mercy |
[cantus firmus 2/bass] |
O Domine, memento mei |
O Lord, remember me |
Memento mei | Remember me |
Haec dies, haec dies | This is the day, this is the day |
Miserere, miserere | Have mercy, have mercy |
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The Resurrection
[Melisma] |
Gloria Domino |  | Glory be to God |
In vita mea | Through all my life |
In vita mea | Through all my life |
Gloria Domino |  | Glory be to God |
In vita mea | Through all my life |
[doxologia nova] |
Gloria Patriae et Filio, da pacem |  | Glory be to the Father and the Son, give peace |
Gloria Patriae et Filio, da pacem | Glory be to the Father and the Son, give peace |
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc | As it was in the beginning, and now |
Et semper, et in saecula saeculorum | And forever, and for generations of generations |
Magnificat anima mea pacem | My soul glorifies peace |
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The Miracle
Laudate Dominum meum |  | O praise the Lord; my heart's |
Corde voto Deo toto | Intentions are all the Lord's |
Psallam Patrem nostrum |  | I will give praise to our Father |
Quamdiu fuero | As long as I shall be |
Laudate Dominum meum |  | O praise the Lord; my heart's |
Corde voto Deo toto | Intentions are all the Lord's |
Pac in nomine Domini |  | Peace in the name of the Lord |
Dominus tecum | The Lord is with thee |
Ecce vos omnes felicis |  | Behold: all your happiness |
Coelestia, terrestria | Fills heaven and earth |
Mundum replens laetitia | With the world's joy |
Rex omnipotens | Omnipotent King |
[doxologia nova] |
Gloria Patriae et Filio, da pacem |  | Glory be to the Father and the Son, give peace |
Gloria Patriae et Filio, da pacem | Glory be to the Father and the Son, give peace |
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc | As it was in the beginning, and now |
Et semper, et in saecula saeculorum | And forever, and for generations of generations |
Magnificat anima mea pacem | My soul glorifies peace |
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Kokoro (Heart)
I've been watching you awhile |
Since you walked into my life |
Monday morning, when first I heard you speak to me |
I was too shy to let you know |
Much too scared to let my feelings show |
But you shielded me and that was the beginning |
Now at last we can talk in another way |
And though I try, "I love you" is just so hard to say |
If I only could be strong, and say the words I feel |
My beating heart begins to race |
When I turn to see your face |
I remember that sweet dream which you told to me |
I wanted just to be with you |
So we could make the dream come true |
And you smiled at me and that was the beginning |
(repeat) |
Tell me what you're thinking of |
Tell me if you love me now |
I had so much I longed to ask you |
But now the chance has gone |
While your picture fades each day |
In my heart the memory stays |
Glowing bright, you're always smiling |
And I will hold it close |
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First we touch, and we hurt each other |
Then we tear our hearts apart |
We are too close and I can feel the pain |
Fill my empty heart |
Is this pain too much for me? |
Can I stay the same? |
When this pain consumes my heart |
Will I be able to hold on to my soul? |
Kindness is something I don't want or need |
The sunshine would just dissolve me into light |
Give me a pain as pleasing as your sigh |
So I can feel you all the day and night |
And keep me from fading away |
Even when we behold each other |
Somehow our eyes do not meet |
And when you hold me in your strong embrace |
Still I feel no heat |
But it gives me such delight |
To feel you closer now |
I know I am true to myself |
Though it cuts deep into my heart somehow |
(repeat x2) |
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